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A custom WordPress website takes a lot of time and skill to be developed. Some WordPress projects could take more than 200 hours to complete and more often than not you won’t be able to predict it by going with an educated guess.

Failing to estimate time of building a WordPress website accurately, puts the whole project in danger. You risk your client missing his business goals as well as your own reputation and credibility. Avoiding such a situation requires a detailed plan to determine how much time it will take to be built. And it’s better to go down to a granular level, breaking down the project to small pieces and evaluating each one of them to better predict the amount of time to complete it. In this article, you will find out how the process of estimating time looks like from an agency’s perspective.

It’s useful if you’re developing WordPress websites yourself (as an agency or a freelancer) or if you’re ordering a WordPress website from someone and are looking to find more about the process and what goes into the price.

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